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Respected aged and disability care provider Accommodation and Care Solutions (ACARES) joins Zenitas Healthcare

Zenitas Healthcare welcomes Accommodation and Care Solutions (ACARES), which has now officially joined our Disability Accommodation and Care business.

ACARES is a highly regarded aged and disability care services provider operating across Victoria, NSW, South Australia and Queensland, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days of the year.

Its philosophy of care is based on providing opportunities to enhance the lives of individuals and delivering a seamless level of care. ACARES is all about people and the support, services and assistance they may need at various times and stages of their lives. It strives to assist those people in maintaining and improving their quality of life.

This is why we have partnered with ACARES – we are committed to continuing its person-centred mission of care and support, and look forward to working with and learning from ACARES.

Zenitas Healthcare CEO, Rob De Luca, with ACARES Chief Operations Officer, Jessica Bickers, and ACARES Strategy & Communications Manager, Tatum Steers

Zenitas Healthcare CEO, Rob De Luca, with ACARES Chief Operations Officer, Jessica Bickers, and ACARES Strategy & Communications Manager, Tatum Steers